
Karagäz Sandbox

The idea behind Karagöz Sandbox is to provide a simple UI to work with WebContainers.

If you're not familiar with WebContainers, please check out this tutorial.

In short, it is a browser-based runtime developed by StackBlitz. Once you boot a WebContainer in the browser, you can mount a collection of files within it and spawn processes such as installing dependencies and starting a development server using shell or your favorite package manager(NPM, PNPM and Yarn come preinstalled).

With Karagöz Sandbox on top of that, you will get something like the following:

Karagöz Sandbox stands on the shoulders of giants to provide as simple, intuitive UI.

Aside from WebContainers, it uses CodeMirror for code editing and Xterm.js to interact with the terminal and display the output of running processes.